For the Students

The Verdict

The Verdict

The Verdict

We’re all safe, don’t worry.

Hey, Wolves! The stay-put-stay-tuned secu­rity event earlier today was actu­ally the result of a misun­der­stand­ing. Accord­ing to an email sent to parents by Assis­tant Prin­ci­pal Colleen Lally, a starter pistol was mistaken for an actual firearm and was reported to FCPS Secu­rity, and there was never any real danger.

Email sent to parents

Dear Fami­lies,

Justice High School was in a “Stay Put, Stay Tuned” safety proto­col for a short time this morn­ing. Through our initial inves­ti­ga­tion, we have learned that a staff member was clean­ing a starter pistol (used for athletic events) in a work­room. Another staff member reported this to the office, and we took full safety precau­tions while we inves­ti­gated. Our School Resource Offi­cer was on site and addi­tional police support and staff from the Office of Safety and Secu­rity also responded. At no time were any students or staff threat­ened or harmed.

We apol­o­gize for any concern that this may have caused you or your student. Our school support staff are avail­able to provide you with resources should your child exhibit any anxi­ety or worry over what happened today. Please don’t hesi­tate to reach out to me at 703−824−3907 or to our Direc­tor of Student Services, Christy Hanlon, at 703−824−3924 for addi­tional support.

Colleen Lally

Assis­tant Principal

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