For the Students

The Verdict

The Verdict

The Verdict


The Verdict is an open public forum for its read­ers as produced by the students of Justice High School. It is designed to be a commu­ni­ca­tion link between students, their school, and the commu­nity. It also exists as an acad­e­mic tool by which student staff members explore commu­ni­ca­tion skills and careers. Open submis­sions are not accepted as paid adver­tis­ing. We reserve the right to edit submis­sions and refuse adver­tis­ing deemed inap­pro­pri­ate. Bylined columns repre­sent the writer’s opin­ion, while edito­ri­als are based on the opin­ions voted on by the Edito­r­ial Board and repre­sent the major­ity opinion.