For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

Career Day Has Done Its Job

Justice High School held their first Career Day on Thurs­day, March 2nd during the school day. The purpose of Career Day was for students to get a better under­stand­ing of what they plan on pursu­ing in the future, after high school. There were guest speak­ers from a vari­ety of careers, colleges and univer­si­ties, and mili­tary branches who came to speak to students and help advise them as they make deci­sions for what their next steps in their careers will be. There were also sessions for resume writ­ing work­shops, schol­ar­ships and finan­cial aid. 

These provided oppor­tu­ni­ties have helped students gain an under­stand­ing of what they would like to pursue in the future. Addi­tion­ally, trying new expe­ri­ences has allowed students to explore differ­ent career paths. By hold­ing this event at school, Justice has helped students and staff gain a better under­stand­ing of the indus­tries and career paths they feel passion­ate about and which ones they don’t.

The Career Day allows for an easier college, or job, appli­ca­tion process in the future. Justice College and Career Special­ist Deidra Ander­son helped with the orga­ni­za­tion of this event. “It was created to help prepare indi­vid­u­als regard­less of age, in differ­ent aspects and differ­ent indus­tries and have knowl­edge to share, and we get discour­aged by what we think we know and we didn’t know because we didn’t have the infor­ma­tion and we weren’t exposed,” said Anderson. 

Ander­son believed that hold­ing this event was a great oppor­tu­nity for the Justice commu­nity, “I think students will be more informed about differ­ent colleges and differ­ent career oppor­tu­ni­ties. I think it built a commu­nity amongst us staff and students,” said Ander­son. “We got to learn from some cool guest speak­ers and even our teach­ers were brought into the class­room, and I think that at the end of the day we learned that even though we are doing some­thing differ­ent we are still learning.”

Senior Hashim Ahmed expresses his enjoy­ment of the Career Day expe­ri­ence. “It was really bene­fi­cial and I learned a lot about what I want to do in the future,” said Ahmed. He believes that having this oppor­tu­nity at school gave him further knowl­edge and infor­ma­tion that he may need in the future. He also got to connect with differ­ent colleges that he is currently inter­ested in apply­ing to, during his deci­sion process, he was also able to receive further infor­ma­tion about how to apply, the require­ments and the dead­lines. Hashim plans on study­ing busi­ness in college he states that, “It was really nice, I got to learn more about more careers, and I learned about what I want to do which is busi­ness.” He hopes that the career and explo­ration day would continue in the future so that more students will receive the help and infor­ma­tion they need for the future or even learn new skills.

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About the Contributor
Allison Lopez-Moirenda, Staff Writer
Allison is currently a Senior and is on her first year year at the Verdict. During her free time she enjoys Journaling and Photography. She also enjoys hiking, playing with friends and watching the sunsets. Her favorite album is Dangerous by Morgan Wallen. 

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