For the Students

The Verdict

The Verdict

The Verdict

Diego Syar, Business Manager

Diego is a studious journalist from The Verdict who enjoys writing about a vast array of things. He enjoys sports, academics, and school events. The reason he joined was so that he could improve his writing skills and information gathering. This is his second year as a Justice journalist and is excited to write. He enjoys playing many sports that include basketball and running, but used to play seven sports at once.

 SciEng Extracurricular Award Ceremony 2019-13 by MMU Engage is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

The Upside of Extracurriculars

By Diego Syar, Business Manager / Published January 7, 2024

Extracurriculars impact students in a substantially positive way, even with time constraints like team activities. In particular, many students at Justice High School are involved in the International...

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