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For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

Club Spotlight: French Honor Society

Club Spotlight: French Honor Society

La Société Hono­raire de Français, or the French Honor Soci­ety, has taken the gift of giving back to another level this holi­day season. Through collab­o­ra­tions with the Ronald McDon­ald House Char­i­ties of Greater Wash­ing­ton, DC (RMHCDC), the French Honor Soci­ety gives qual­i­fied students a chance to reach out to those in need, and find a passion for help­ing the community. 


The French Honor Soci­ety (FHS), is an honor soci­ety focused on foster­ing and encour­ag­ing the study of the French language and culture. Qual­i­fi­ca­tions to join the Honor Soci­ety include two full years of French with a grade of A- or better and a mini­mum 3.0 GPA in all other course­work. Not only does involve­ment in the Honor Soci­ety offer work­shop oppor­tu­ni­ties and extra assis­tance with class mate­r­ial, it  provides several service oppor­tu­ni­ties for students to partic­i­pate in. Eliz­a­beth Buffen­barger, French Language Teacher and FHS Advi­sor, intro­duced the Ronald McDon­ald House to the Honor Soci­ety several years ago, but follow­ing a lull in activ­ity due to COVID, Buffen­barger empha­sizes the level of commit­ment the club has shown this year. 


The Ronald McDon­ald House is a nonprofit orga­ni­za­tion that supports parents and fami­lies of hospi­tal­ized chil­dren or chil­dren under­go­ing treat­ment. “We believe that when a child is sick, the entire family needs comfort and support. We provide a “home away from home” for fami­lies whose child is receiv­ing medical care, complete with ameni­ties such as meals, activ­i­ties, laun­dry services, and trans­porta­tion, all at no cost to our fami­lies,” states Sarah Camp­bell, Commu­nity and Volun­teer Engage­ment Manager RMHC. 

Collab­o­ra­tion between these two orga­ni­za­tions began a few years back, after Buffen­barger found a passion for the program through Kohl’s Care. “We got involved with it [RMHC] many years ago…but then COVID came, so every­thing stopped,” Buffen­barger shares, “But this year, we’re really even more on board.” 

Buffen­barger further empha­sizes the impor­tance of creat­ing a mind­set that “this world is not just about Us.”

“It’s about reach­ing out to those that really need it, find­ing a passion for it,” she adds.

Not only do these service oppor­tu­ni­ties provide a chance for personal growth and explo­ration, volun­teer­ing is incred­i­bly impor­tant for the survival of non-profit orga­ni­za­tions. “Volun­teers are absolutely vital to the success of these events, which ensures that we can continue to serve our fami­lies day in and day out,” explains Campbell.

Further­more, she notes that volun­teer collab­o­ra­tions offer bene­fits to both the volun­teers and receivers. “It takes a village to keep our Ronald McDon­ald Houses running 247, 365 days a year and the French Honor Soci­ety is an impor­tant part of that ‘village’! It is my hope that French Honor Soci­ety students feel satis­fac­tion and accom­plish­ment in know­ing that they are support­ing fami­lies in need.”

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About the Contributor
Tess Maloney, Managing Editor
Tess Maloney is a junior in her second year writing for The Verdict, growing from a Staff Writer to the Managing Editor. She has a strong interest in historical literature and opinion based journalism.  Her favorite part of working on the paper is collaborating with other members and revising works for final print. Additionally, Tess is one of the contributing founders and Treasurer of the Journalism Club at Justice. Beyond her time spent towards schoolwork, she loves to read. Her favorite book is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.

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