For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

It’s Parking Pandemonium! Where Will We Park Now?

Justice's renovation has severely limited parking options for both staff and students. What now?

After losing 85 park­ing spots due to the ongo­ing construc­tion, Justice High School’s admin­is­tra­tion made the choice to move staff park­ing to the front lot, inevitably reduc­ing the number of student park­ing spaces. This has left many students grap­pling with limited park­ing options, as there are only 40 avail­able park­ing spots for the Senior class. The situ­a­tion has sparked concern among not only the student body, but staff members as well. 

The closure of the entire back park­ing lot was neces­sary for the construc­tion of the addi­tion, but it has resulted in a signif­i­cant reduc­tion of avail­able park­ing spaces for students. While the over­all count of park­ing spots has only decreased from 329 to 323, students are extra limited in their options. Students who missed the oppor­tu­nity to be one of forty students with park­ing passes are unable to use spots in the lot with­out getting tick­eted, and street park­ing is extremely limited. 

More­over, park­ing in the school’s park­ing lot with­out a purchased spot can lead to a fine that starts at 25 dollars. Orig­i­nally, the school admin­is­tra­tion would give out warn­ings to the students who park with­out a permit. Even­tu­ally, admin­is­tra­tion resorted to tick­ets because students who paid for park­ing sports were losing access to paid park­ing. The Safety and Secu­rity Special­ist David Wall has access to a system that allows him to iden­tify whose vehi­cle the license plate belongs to. 

The lack of park­ing has been a prob­lem for many staff and faculty members. When­ever admin­is­tra­tors pass out tick­ets to students who did not have a park­ing pass, it makes it less diffi­cult for faculty members to have a park­ing spot in the front lot. Avid tutors explain how diffi­cult it can be for them to find park­ing spots because of how many students park in spots they have not purchased. “Often we have had to park on Patrick Henry [Dr.],” and Avid Tutor noted, “[this occurred] for about a month straight.”

Strict Govern­ment regu­la­tions prevent students from park­ing on the resi­den­tial side of Peace Valley Lane. Students who parked there explained they were tick­eted by govern­ment author­i­ties. Junior Adam Syar explains how this has presented a prob­lem for his fellow students. “It’s not fair that they are forced to park [outside of school], and then [admin] tick­ets them for it.” 

Syar further notes how the lack of park­ing is some­thing he dislikes and in an attempt to avoid the real­ity we are currently facing he had previ­ously signed a peti­tion to pave a portion of Justice Park. He also describes how the lack of park­ing has affected him, stat­ing “it makes it more of a hassle to get to school and leave school.”

Students must pay 200 dollars for their park­ing spot and they must have their park­ing permit at all times. The park­ing spots were only sold to seniors with the excep­tion of a few juniors. Many students, includ­ing Senior Cliodhna Collins expressed the inac­ces­si­bil­ity of the park­ing spot prices “Paying 200 [dollars] for a street park­ing spot is crazy.” The price for park­ing is one that many students can’t afford, espe­cially when consid­er­ing the amount of students in our commu­nity who are low income. 

Colleen Lally, Justice High School’s Assis­tant Prin­ci­pal, explained, “We want our students to have a spot here.” Lally also explains that riding to school in a car is not the only option provided to students. 

Regard­less of the amount of trans­porta­tion options provided, the lack of park­ing is present­ing a prob­lem for students and staff. With a school that has a student popu­la­tion of 2,191, having 323 spots is not enough. 

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About the Contributors
Yohannan Gugsa, Editor-in-chief
Yohannan Gugsa is the Editor in Chief of The Verdict. She is one of the contributing founders of the journalism club with the position of Secretary. She is a junior in her third year of journalism. She has a deep passion for writing and investigative journalism. She describes that the best part of this class is the sense of community there is. She enjoys the writing process in the journalism field.
Isra Yousif
Isra Yousif, Business Manager
Isra Yousif is a junior in her second year of writing for The Verdict. She enjoys reading, writing, and listening to music. Isra is typically described as hardworking. Her favorite story she has written in the past is "Sports in Ramadan" a short article about the struggle and reward Muslim students get from fasting while participating in spring sports. Isra is also the Business Manager and is the Vice President and one of four founders of the Journalism club. Some fun facts about Isra are that her favorite music artist is Frank Ocean & her favorite book is "The Summer I turned pretty" by Jenny Han.

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