For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

Hold The Phone: FCPS Phone Policies

As of June 2022, new phone poli­cies were placed into the Studen­t’s Rights and Respon­si­bil­i­ties (SR&R). These poli­cies differ­en­ti­ate for each student depend­ing on their grade. 

The SR&R states that for students from grades 9–12 the only excep­tions are lunches, before and after school, as well as school-related purposes. If these rules are not followed, teach­ers can confis­cate a device at the end of class or the end of the school day. 

This measure has been taken with the goal of support­ing students county-wide and prevent­ing any distrac­tions that can get in the way of a studen­t’s educa­tion. One of the other main moti­va­tions for this was that phones were out more in the class­rooms, during learn­ing time.

When describ­ing the distrac­tions that can take place with students’ devices Assis­tant Prin­ci­pal Evan Carter states “Things like [phones] can be pretty distract­ing and we can be really pulled into these things, but in the class­room defi­nitely isn’t the time for that.” Carter describes this change as some­thing that was needed.

Students’ devices are described as some­thing that, although it may be help­ful, it’s not a wise deci­sion to spend most of your time in class on said device.

While students may have trou­ble stay­ing off of their devices, they under­stand that when a teacher asks for their phone it’s best they give it. Biol­ogy Teacher Kirsten Salonga states that “I gener­ally have not had many students refuse to give me their phones for the period [because what is worse to them is having secu­rity take their phones for the rest of the day if they refuse].”

Salonga describes a studen­t’s device as some­thing that inter­feres with their educa­tion and prevents them from moving forward in class. “The students I do not have to repeat­edly ask to stay on task are gener­ally those who have higher grades and are not constantly on their phones.” Salonga states.

This is some­thing that many students have come to an under­stand­ing with. Junior Anabel Tesfaye says “I think that if a student is on their phone non-stop then a teacher should take it but not when they are not distracted by it.” Tesfaye expresses her view on when teach­ers should and should not take a studen­t’s phone. Explain­ing that a teacher taking a studen­t’s phone can be justi­fied, but only to a certain extent.

The phone policy put in place has been implied to the high­est level of effec­tive­ness possi­ble. Now that high effort, although it may be needed to a certain extent, is not high enough.

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About the Contributor
Yohannan Gugsa, Editor-in-chief
Yohannan Gugsa is the Editor in Chief of The Verdict. She is one of the contributing founders of the journalism club with the position of Secretary. She is a junior in her third year of journalism. She has a deep passion for writing and investigative journalism. She describes that the best part of this class is the sense of community there is. She enjoys the writing process in the journalism field.

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