For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

Unrest in the Horn of Africa

WARNING: This arti­cle contains sensi­tive mate­r­ial regard­ing conflict and violence. Viewer discre­tion is advised.

In April 2023, clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the para­mil­i­tary Rapid Succes­sion Forces (RSF), led by General Mohamed Hamdan “Hemetti” Dagalo, over control of Sudan erupted into a full scale conflict, throw­ing the nation into chaos. Both sides came to power in 2019, follow­ing the oust­ing of dicta­tor Omar al-Bashir, and while both sides initially shared power peace­fully, tensions began to arise, lead­ing to the conflict now.

Many Sudanese students at Justice have been person­ally affected by the conflict. “[The situ­a­tion] is sad, because I have family in Khar­toum, and I worry for their safety.” said Mohamed Salim (11th). In regards to the conflict, Pres­i­dent Biden said in a state­ment: “This tragic violence in Sudan has already cost the lives of hundreds of inno­cent civil­ians. It’s uncon­scionable, and it must stop.”
CNN reports that the two sides have agreed to hold peace talks, but peace between the two, as of now, seems unlikely. If you would like to help in Sudan, you can donate to the Red Cross at this website below: https://​www​.icrc​.org/​e​n​/​d​o​n​a​t​e​/​s​u​d​a​n​-​crisis

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About the Contributor
Graham Sage, Staff Writer
Staff writer. Senior at Justice High School. History buff. I chose journalism because I was inspired by a satire news website called the Babylon Bee, and I wanted to be just like them. This is my second year in journalism.

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