For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

Justice ‘Round The World: International Night Is a Success

Justice High School’s Inter­na­tional Night took place on March 21st at 7 pm, where students show­cased diver­sity at Justice High School. There were perfor­mances, tradi­tional fash­ion displays from coun­tries all over the world, and food trucks. With free admis­sion and a packed audi­to­rium, the night was a success.

This year’s Inter­na­tional Night had a setting deco­rated to make it look like the inside of one’s home. There was décor that filled the stage. The purpose of this was to create a family tapes­try with a wide vari­ety of cultures that are displayed at Justice.

The plan­ner of this event, Eliz­a­beth Buffen­barger, explains that “we are taking a jour­ney to every­one’s home in their coun­try and adding a piece of their culture to our tapes­try. The final result will be the creation of a master­piece, our Justice family tapes­try, our home!”

Start­ing off the night’s perfor­mances were the Ethiopian and Eritrean perfor­mances. They began with a fash­ion show where they showed off the types of dresses worn in Ethiopia and Eritrea. They performed seven differ­ent tribal dances, which were all capti­vat­ing. In between the tribes, they had a couple of wardrobe changes where they wore cloth­ing that is respec­tive to each tribe and its dance.

The night contin­ued with a fash­ion show from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. Each of these coun­tries showed off the vibrant and impres­sive pieces of cloth­ing worn in their coun­tries. The fash­ion display ended with a perfor­mance from Bangladesh. They had two differ­ent Bolly­wood perfor­mances and one Bengali song. The combi­na­tion of music and fash­ion was incred­i­bly compelling.

The next coun­try’s appear­ance, France, took us to the city of lights and love in Paris. There was a fash­ion display of the current every­day Parisian style that was modeled by Sopho­more Camryn Cough­lin. France performed a ballet done by Sophia Harvey, a French Christ­mas carol that goes by the name of Pata­pan, and lastly, a beau­ti­ful song by a Belgium singer and performer, Stromae.

More­over, the next coun­tries had such inter­est­ing fash­ion and enter­tain­ing dances. Their displays of fash­ion and perfor­mances took us to parts of South Amer­ica and Central Amer­ica. Bolivia performed two dances that are known as the Capo­rales and Tinkus. The third dance they performed was a mix of Boli­vian-Latin dances that were mesmeric.

Senior Aileen Mendi­eta Villar­roel had worn cloth­ing that repre­sented a tradi­tional dance called Tinku. It was made with bold colors that symbol­ize power and strength. Perform­ing for your coun­try can be an empow­er­ing expe­ri­ence. “I felt people needed to see because my country’s passion is to repre­sent our culture by danc­ing in festi­vals. I was really moti­vated to perform when I came back from Bolivia a few weeks ago after seeing my family danc­ing with a big heart to show how beau­ti­ful our culture is,” said Mendi­eta Villarroel.

Bolivi­a’s perfor­mance was followed by a fash­ion show from Mexico and El Salvador. The display of fash­ion from Mexico was followed by a wonder­ful La Wepa perfor­mance which is a tradi­tional Mexi­can dance. El Salvador had shown tradi­tional dresses that are based on the colors of the flag which are blue and white.

The follow­ing perfor­mance was highly antic­i­pated by many. Morocco performed such a hypnotic perfor­mance. They performed to a song by chaabi, and a reggada. The women wore a gandora, kiftan. The men wore a djellaba which has long sleeves and a hood. For their perfor­mance, they performed a reggada, and danced to a song by a chaabi.

The next coun­tries left the audi­ence buzzing with excite­ment. Mauri­ta­nia began with a fash­ion display. Model senior Moham­mad El Hadj Sidi wore a daraa which was white and had orange embroi­dery along the front. Their display was followed by an engag­ing perfor­mance from Soma­lia. Soma­li­a’s perfor­mance consisted of Buraan­bur, Saliy­aci, and Dhaanto. The songs chosen for these perfor­mances had the audi­ence singing along­side the performers.

Afghanistan contin­ued the night with a perfor­mance as they sang the Afghan national anthem followed by two dances called attan and qarsak. Their repre­sen­ta­tion of their coun­try had left the crowd cheer­ing for more.

The next series of perfor­mances were filled with such fasci­nat­ing repre­sen­ta­tions. Nubia, Sudan, and Egypt had all gone above and beyond with their displays of fash­ion. For the perfor­mance, Nubia’s and Sudan’s music was used for a series of cultural dances. All of which had members of the audi­ence partic­i­pat­ing in their seats or singing along.

The follow­ing coun­tries took us straight to the conti­nent of Asia. Myan­mar, Viet­nam, Korea, and the Philip­pines all show­cased the beau­ti­ful and vibrant tradi­tional cloth­ing worn in their coun­tries. There was a perfor­mance with beau­ti­ful South Korean music, better known as K‑pop. The Filipino Student Asso­ci­a­tion repre­sented their coun­try with a series of cultural dances.

The night ended with perfor­mances from Russia, the Black Student Asso­ci­a­tion, and a perfor­mance from the Justice dance club. Over­all each perfor­mance had been success­ful in repre­sent­ing its coun­try glamorously.

This night brought together the students and staff at Justice in such a remark­able way. Each perfor­mance was planned with such detail and care. Each coun­try contributed to the success of this night. The impor­tance of repre­sen­ta­tion of one’s coun­try was shown on this night. Sopho­more Zewdy Adhanom partic­i­pated in the fash­ion show for Eritrea and felt so proud to see her coun­try repre­sented, “not a lot of people know about my coun­try [Eritrea], and it made me glad that it got acknowledged.”

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About the Contributors
Yohannan Gugsa, Editor-in-chief
Yohannan Gugsa is the Editor in Chief of The Verdict. She is one of the contributing founders of the journalism club with the position of Secretary. She is a junior in her third year of journalism. She has a deep passion for writing and investigative journalism. She describes that the best part of this class is the sense of community there is. She enjoys the writing process in the journalism field.
Dania Eldirdiri, Staff Writer
Dania Eldirdiri is a sophomore journalist. She is a new addition to the journalism class. She joined this class because she enjoys writing and interviewing others. She also loves interacting with others and finding out the newest information about important events and issues going on at Justice High School. Dania is involved in various activities, clubs, and sports across the school. She is very passionate about writing and plans to continue.

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