For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

Theater Program Performs Classic, ‘Beauty and The Beast’


Justice High School Students have been perform­ing the clas­sic Broad­way musi­cal,  Beauty and the Beast. All three shows are between Novem­ber 9th through Novem­ber 11th 2023. The curtains rise in the Audi­to­rium at 7 p.m., with a matinée on Novem­ber 11 at 2pm and another show at 7pm. Tick­ets are $10 for students and seniors, $15 for adults. 

Beauty and the Beast is a fairy tale about a prince cursed to be a beast until he can fall in love and gain someone’s love in return. 

“Beauty,” played by senior Vale­ria Peter­son, says “I would like to show Belle as accu­rately as possi­ble. I think a lot of time people sorta play her as ‘oh a little princess’. I think there’s so much more to her, she’s human”. The actors are giving their best to portray their char­ac­ters as accu­rately as they can. Relat­ing to their char­ac­ters and learn­ing from them. Peter­son also states that she relates to Belle because she is also an advo­cate for herself just like Belle. As this is Vale­ria Peter­son’s last year at Justice High School she’s putting her all into this musi­cal making it memorable.

The “Beast” played by Kyle Aylward has brought humor into the making of this produc­tion, call­ing his char­ac­ter a “furry man child”. 

“I think it would be chal­leng­ing to do my first musi­cal at Justice High School”.  As a sopho­more lead, he’s got a lot riding on this. Just as Peter­son has some char­ac­ter­is­tics she has from Belle, Aylward says, “I would want to pick up being able to adapt to my surround­ings, he (the beast) does a good job on getting thrown into really weird situ­a­tions and ending up on his feet”. 

All the theater students worked super hard on putting on this show for kids and fami­lies. They made all their costumes and set pieces!

Even if putting together a show is over­whelm­ing to some people, the Justice theater cast thinks other­wise because of how their commu­nity is built. As the Assis­tant Direc­tor, Zanbiab Zia says, “It builds a commu­nity I feel like you can’t really get in most other parts of the school.” Although Beauty and the Beast might just seem “orig­i­nal,” Zia also says “We will bring a special touch to Beauty and the Beast and a little bit of fairy tale to this school” come and see what kind of special touch they bring! On top of that, Ms. Jewel Schrader Says Beauty and the Beast is a show worth coming to, “The kids will love it, and you will love it, and I’m gonna love it.”

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About the Contributor
Fernanda Ventura Palomo is a freshman at Justice High School. She is a staff writer in Verdict. She was born July 11, a cancer in her zodiac sign. Shes happy and kind, and she loves to read and binge watch movies and tv shows. She joined Journalism when she was in 7th grade and found passion in her work and her writing. One of her favorite things as a journalist is being to connect and to talk to people.  She loves the moon and star gazing. Fernanda loves the silence of the night when the whole world is asleep. She has a dog named mocha who she just adores.

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