For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

For the Students

The Verdict

Study Smarter, Not Harder

In this day and age, students across the globe are strug­gling with their atten­tion spans. This makes it diffi­cult for them to focus long enough to have a produc­tive study session, espe­cially after a long day of school, work, or sports. As final exams are just around the corner, here are some unique study strate­gies you may not have heard before that focus primar­ily on atten­tion span and efficiency.

Study at Night:

Study­ing at night is known to improve memory consol­i­da­tion. Stud­ies have shown that the brain processes and consol­i­dates infor­ma­tion during sleep, so study­ing before bed helps improve memory reten­tion and recollection.

Classical Music:

Study­ing with clas­si­cal music is a great way to provide a consis­tent back­ground noise that can help drown out distrac­tions. In short, the music enter­tains a part of your brain that needs to fidget. This allows you to devote your primary focus to one specific task as your brain is no longer as suscep­ti­ble to distraction.

Healthy Eating and Physical Activity:

The acad­e­mic bene­fits of healthy eating and regu­lar exer­cise are endless. Some of them include improved concen­tra­tion and focus, increased alert­ness, better mood and energy levels, improved memory reten­tion, and reduced stress and anxi­ety. This is due to a balanced diet send­ing impor­tant nutri­ents to the brain which allows it to func­tion properly.

Games and Competition:

This one’s for you, teach­ers! Every­one loves a good compe­ti­tion and study­ing through such is a great great way to get students involved and engaged. Some easy ways to imple­ment this in the class­room include creat­ing kahoot and quizlet study games where the winners get a small candy prize.

Physical Activity:

Exer­cis­ing before study­ing is known to increase alert­ness, reduce stress and anxi­ety, improve memory and learn­ing capa­bil­i­ties, and increase produc­tiv­ity. These bene­fits primar­ily come from increas­ing blood flow and oxygen to the brain which improves mental clar­ity and “resets” the brain.

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About the Contributor
Allison Adye, Staff Development Director
Allison is the staff development director for Justice's The Verdict. She has been on the team for 4 years, working as a staff writer, lifestyles editor, associate web editor, and finally, staff development director. She loves writing for The Verdict because the idea of students interacting with and changing their learning environment through words excites and inspires her. She is also incredibly fortunate to be on a team that has such talented, bright, and hardworking people. Outside of The Verdict, Allison enjoys reading and playing sports, especially soccer.

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