In this day and age, students across the globe are struggling with their attention spans. This makes it difficult for them to focus long enough to have a productive study session, especially after a long day of school, work, or sports. As final exams are just around the corner, here are some unique study strategies you may not have heard before that focus primarily on attention span and efficiency.
Study at Night:
Studying at night is known to improve memory consolidation. Studies have shown that the brain processes and consolidates information during sleep, so studying before bed helps improve memory retention and recollection.
Classical Music:
Studying with classical music is a great way to provide a consistent background noise that can help drown out distractions. In short, the music entertains a part of your brain that needs to fidget. This allows you to devote your primary focus to one specific task as your brain is no longer as susceptible to distraction.
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity:
The academic benefits of healthy eating and regular exercise are endless. Some of them include improved concentration and focus, increased alertness, better mood and energy levels, improved memory retention, and reduced stress and anxiety. This is due to a balanced diet sending important nutrients to the brain which allows it to function properly.
Games and Competition:
This one’s for you, teachers! Everyone loves a good competition and studying through such is a great great way to get students involved and engaged. Some easy ways to implement this in the classroom include creating kahoot and quizlet study games where the winners get a small candy prize.
Physical Activity:
Exercising before studying is known to increase alertness, reduce stress and anxiety, improve memory and learning capabilities, and increase productivity. These benefits primarily come from increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain which improves mental clarity and “resets” the brain.