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For the Students

The Verdict

The Verdict

The Verdict

Justify Feed

  • The Tragedy of Orpheus

    Read Graham Sage’s new poem about vulner­a­bil­ity, sorrow and then, suddenly… hope. 

  • When will it end!

    The series of email spams have begun again. Last year students had been bombarded with hundreds of emails of the bee movie script. On Febru­ary 20th students were sent an email with a title “african artist who shaped history”. The email was sent to all students who are a part of the light speed program. The email… 

  • Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof

    The Justice addi­tion is going pretty well, however leaks have started show­ing up in some class­room ceil­ings. It’s possi­ble they were caused by the recent snow, the construc­tion, or as Prin­ci­pal Tiffany Narcisse said in an email to parents on the 4th, “Next week, we’ll be conduct­ing roof­ing work on our campus.” Either way, it’s…

  • Hey hey hey!

    What’s up? How’s it going???  I believe that educa­tional tech­nol­ogy should be trans­par­ent. I think that secu­rity holes and issues with the prod­uct should be public. After all, it would­n’t just hurt you. It could be teenagers, college students, even elemen­tary school­ers. Edus­pire wasn’t doing that. I didn’t feel safe using their tool, because of the buggy and (at…

  • Want our news to keep flowing?

    Want our news­pa­per to thrive? Want us to keep on produc­ing the news that you know and love? Support us by buying a tee, crew­neck or hoodie over at Bonfire! 

  • We’re all safe, don’t worry.

    Hey, Wolves! The stay-put-stay-tuned secu­rity event earlier today was actu­ally the result of a misun­der­stand­ing. Accord­ing to an email sent to parents by Assis­tant Prin­ci­pal Colleen Lally, a starter pistol was mistaken for an actual firearm and was reported to FCPS Secu­rity, and there was never any real danger. 

  • Make Sure You Adon’t Miss This

    The Justice Theatre has some cool perfor­mances coming up! Have some well-deserved fun by going to wolf​pack​the​atre​.org and getting tick­ets to Much Ado About Noth­ing: Vegas Style! I don’t know what Vegas style means, but it sounds like a blast. If you’re a student it only costs $7, the same as a single Star­bucks panini or a McDonald’s Cheese­burger meal. 

  • Drew and Dylan pick The Sweetest Sixteen

    Drew and Dylan are here with their March Madness predic­tions! While a little late to the party, their hot takes are bound to be enter­tain­ing. Click here to see their brackets! 

  • Hey, we’re coming soon!

    Sorry about the delay, we had to sort things out with this inter­nally, but start­ing soon you’ll actu­ally see things in this side­bar! Have a wonder­ful day. Go Justice!